In my view, psychotherapy is actually nothing out of the ordinary: because where a brain arbeitet, works, conflicts, problems and dilemmas arise, unfavorable patterns, unpleasant experiences, pain, grief, stress, discomfort and so on...
A helpful psychotherapy promotes and strengthens autonomy, supports and challenges learning processes, supports and serves people and activates the most sustainable ability to enjoy life. Currently also by telephone and video talk.
Life can be shaped and life cannot be shaped - both are true: On the one hand, we can change and reshape a lot. To do this, we need certain tools.
On the other hand, we can't do everything. Here we need exercises for inner peace and sustainable equanimity .
In the 21st century, good psychotherapy must always include good neuropsychotherapy. Get good advice. It's worth it.
When might psychotherapy be appropriate?
Psychotherapy for mental illnesses, difficulties and crises
For physical and mental illnesses and difficulties, for life crises, crises of meaning of life and spiritual crises in connection with psychological and social difficulties, for difficulties in relationships and partnership crises, for communication problems, depression, various anxiety and fears such as the fear of the unknown, social phobia and other phobias, stress, panic, Burnout, suicidal thoughts and feelings, bullying, sleep disorders, psychosomatic disorders, tumor diseases, control compulsions and other obsessive-compulsive disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia, addictions, eating disorders, borderline, etc.
I offer specialist psychological treatments for burnout and other stress-related disorders, cancer, psychosomatics, couples therapy, pain treatment, anxiety and depression disorders, and I am used to integrative thinking, for example in the case of frequent parallel conventional medical treatments. I am used to working closely with other specialists.
In addition to treating the problem, my main focus is always on strengthening and promoting autonomy, sustainable psychological and psychosocial change in people, the the integration of health psychology and psychotherapy and the resulting potential for personal development.
My method is a careful integration of neuropsychotherapy, behavioral therapy, systemic psychotherapy, philosophy and, in the background, psychoanalytic psychotherapy. If necessary, I supplement it on a neuropsychotherapeutischer basis with my two decades of traditional Buddhist Zentraining and thus offerindividually integrated mindfulness training.
I hold Swiss Specialist qualifications in both Adolescent and Adult Psychotherapy (FSP) and Emergency Psychology (SBAP), and am also a Swiss Health Psychologist (SGGPsy), Child and Adolescent Psychologist (SKJP) and Practical Philosopher (IGPP). I am a Member of the Swiss Association of Sport Psychology (SASP).