The price for my specialists psychological services for psychotherapy and emergency psychology for self-payers is CHF 240 per hour.
Included are smaller exchanges via messenger and shorter telephone calls between sessions.
As I am a federally recognized specialist psychologist for psychotherapy and am also recognized by various cantons - GR, LU, ZH, BS, BL - and have a corresponding cantonal practice permit, you can ask your supplementary health insurance company how much you will generally be reimbursed if necessary. Military and accident insurance should also allow reimbursements, as well as psychotherapy paid for by the IV for children and young people in training. Please note that some supplementary insurances require a doctor's prescription for psychotherapy at the beginning. You are also welcome to contact me if you have any questions.
If you have financial difficulties, you can contact me, I have a small compensation contingent for a certain discount. If this is exhausted, you can still look for psychological psychotherapists who bill via the basic insurance: Psychological psychotherapy has also been a compulsory benefit of the basic insurance for all psychotherapists who have joined the basic insurance for 2 years. The conditions are very unfavorable for psychotherapists, which is why more and more are withdrawing from basic insurance. Even if we all have very full agendas, you should still be able to find someone.
The price for my services for sports psychotherapy and sports psychological analysis, counseling and coaching is between CHF 200 and 300 per hour, depending on the level of service.
Included are smaller exchanges via messenger and shorter telephone calls between sessions.
Daily assignments and presence at competitions are possible, but require some planning time.
Emergency assignments for athletes are generally possible immediately.
There is a small compensation contingent for young athletes, please ask for it. Sponsors are welcome.