about me
Clemens Breitschaft MSc, lives in Zurich and Baselland, grew up in Lucerne.
Swiss Specialist Psychologist For Psychotherapy FSP and federally recognized psychotherapist ASP.
You will find me to be an interested, diverse, client-oriented, serious, humorous and challenging discussion partner.
I have been active for many years, both professionally and part-time, and can offer you a broad spectrum of knowledge and experiences that goes beyond specialist psychological and psychotherapeutic knowledge and skills and can complement these in a meaningful way:
-With the scientifically supported field of Emergency Psychology (Specialist Psychologist in Emergency Psychology SBAP) for emergencies,
-or as an expert in burnout (member of the Swiss Expert Network for Burnout SEB),
-or with the likewise scientifically supported areas of Sporsports psychotherapy and sports psychology, my current multi-year further educational training courses (2023-2025),
-or with Buddhism and Zen (a traditional Zen student for almost 25 years) to develop mindfulness, inner peace, patience and presence,
-with philosophy (studies at the University of Zurich: psychology and philosophy, practical philosopher IGPP) for many life issues and reflections,
-sports (certified fitness trainer BSA) to balance your life,
-Enjoyment, for example in the areas of cooking, food & wine (Swiss Wine Sommelier WSET3, student of the Austrian Wine Academy) to address and create a good balance between and towards enjoyment, away from addictive behavior.
For particularly interested readers, I have listed detailed information about my activities and career below:
Basic training
One year of medical studies at the University of Fribourg
University of Zurich for a Master of Science MSc UZH – studies in psychology, adult psychopathology and philosophy.
Clinical psychology - specialization in psychoanalysis (Prof. B. Boothe and behavioral medicine and behavioral therapy (Prof. U. Ehlert) as well as systemic psychotherapy (PD Riehl-Emde).
Additional studies: Psychopathology for children and adolescents.
Psychopathology for adults. Psychiatry. General anthropological psychopathology incl. transpersonal psychology and spirituality: paths, risks, dangers (Prof. Scharfetter).
Philosophy - specialization in: Political Philosophy (Prof. Kohler). Existentialism and existential philosophy (Sören Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger; Prof. Lanfranconi). Ancient skepticism (Pyrrhonian skepticism). Ethics (Prof. Rippe). Epistemology and philosophy of science. Mysticism research: philosophical mysticism and philosophy of interreligious mysticism.
Interdisciplinary thesis on the experience of the openness of mysticism (Prof. Daniel Hell, Psychopathology, and Prof. Georg Schmid, Religious Studies).
Psychotherapy training: systemic and behavioral therapy

Emergency psychology. Training to enable acute and crisis interventions in emergency situations and major incidents, including self-protection measures and mental hygiene. Training provided by the Department of Applied Psychology ZHAW, Carelink, and the Swiss Professional Association for Applied Psychology SBAP.
Clinical psychology. Behavioral therapy and behavioral medicine, systemic psychotherapy, psychoanalysis.
Health psychology. Health promotion, prevention, rehabilitation. cults counseling.
Sports psychology, training 2024-2025 in Vienna at the Institute Mental Excellence, Vienna.
Sports psychotherapy, training 2023-2025 in Cologne at the German Society for Sports Psychiatry and Sports Psychotherapy.
Specialist training in psychotherapy
Psychotherapy. Federally recognized training in ecological-systemic psychotherapy at the Ecological-Systemic Institute in Zurich (with Prof. Jürg Willi et al). Specialist psychologist for psychotherapy FSP and federally recognized psychotherapist ASP. Systemic individual, couple and family therapy.
Additional training modules in cognitive behavioral therapy and behavioral medicine.
Basics in psychodynamic psychoanalytic psychotherapy
Relaxation methods: Autogenic training AT, hypnosis, progressive muscle relaxation PMR.
Psychotherapy, mindfulness & Buddhism: integration of Buddhist Zen meditation and Buddhist mindfulness training.
Further trainings
Zen. Traditional Zen training. Zen meditation for over 20 years. Zen student of Niklaus Brantschen and Bernie Glassman (†), Zenpeacemakers USA, previously with Pia Gyger (†), Glassman-Lassalle Zen lineage. Various complementary Zen trainings and Buddhist studies.
Fitness. Fitness trainer BSA.
Diving. Divemaster CMAS*** and PADI Divemaster. Dive rescue. DAN and EFR instructor.
Wine sommelier. Swiss Wine Sommelier. WSET Level 3, Wine and Spirits Educations Trust.
Previous professional experience in psychotherapy (selection)
Independent psychotherapy in Zurich, Lucerne and Chur
Delegated psychotherapy in various medical group practices.
(V)VIP psychotherapy, international and EU-wide support in various cities.
Santemed Winterthur, Medbase Winterthur. Psychological psychotherapist. Formation, Head and management of a psychological-psychotherapeutic team. 2015-2018.
Mentalva Private Clinic Resort & Spa (GR). Psychological psychotherapist in senior medical position, partly deputizing for the PDGR head physician 2012-2014.
Ambulatory forensic psychotherapy in collaboration with the Cantonal Department of Security and Justice Lucerne.
Professional experiences
Professional politics:
Former board member of the professional association SGAT/FSP (Swiss Society of Physicians and Psychotherapists for Autogenic Training and Related Methods)
Member of the Section of Senior Clinical Psychologists SVKP-LKP.
Psychology and ethics:
Member of the ASP Ethics Committee, the Association of Swiss Psychotherapists ASP
Psychology and social pedagogy:
Telephone help for children and adolescents HELP-O-FON, Fribourg, today Tel. 147. development and psychological collaboration.
District and deportation prison Kloten near Zurich. Support and crisis intervention.
Deputy Managing Director Häagen Dazs, Lucerne
Didactics, pedagogy and sports education:
Lecturer for nutrition training courses for nutrition trainers BSA, Zurich and Munich.
Substitute teacher at public schools at various levels and subjects, Canton Lucerne.
Fitness trainer in Littau, Lucerne and Dübendorf near Zürich.
Personal project supports for artists, Lucerne.
Short film «Du hast da was...», director Christian D. Link, Zuich: Partial supervision and collaboration (editing).
Weekly seminars «Nutrition and mental training» and weekly in-depth course «Mental training» with secondary school pupils.
Project «Violence prevention». Lessons: Relaxation, fantasy journeys and Aikido exercises with children in a small class
Photographer for political events (political parties, trade unions, state assembly, various political demonstrations)
Freelance concert photographer and concert photographer for various bands
Photo publications in daily newspapers and magazines as well as online pages at home and abroad.
Professional associations for psychology
Association of Swiss Psychotherapists ASP
Federation of Swiss Psychologists FSP
Swiss Society for Health Psychology SGGPsy
Swiss Association for Child and Adolescent Psychology SKJP
Professional associations for psychotherapy
Swiss Expert Network for Burnout SEB
Association of Swiss Psychotherapists ASP
Former board member of the Swiss Society of Physicians and Psychotherapists for Autogenic Training and Related Techniques SGAT
Practical Philosophy
Network for practical philosophizing Philopraxis.ch
International Society for Philosophical Practice IGPP
Psychosomatics and nutrition
Swiss Society for Psychosomatic and Psychosocial Medicine SGGPM / APPM
Swiss Society for Nutrition SGE
Advice texts (german)
NLZ-Ratgeberfrage, Neuste Luzerner Zeitung Luzern. Erschienen am Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2012 / Nr. 9, S. 28.
Frage: Unsere Tochter (34) dipl. Krankenschwester, ist nach einer schweren Enttäuschung wieder eine Partnerschaft eingegangen. An sich freuen wir uns für sie, dass sie wieder jemand gefunden hat, doch wir haben mit ihrem Partner ein Problem. Er stammt aus Nordafrika und ist arbeitslos. Er ist ihr ausbildungsmässig weit unterlegen. Trotzdem schmieden die beiden Heiratspläne. Bei allem Verständnis für ihren Wunsch nach einem Partner sind mein Mann und ich uns einig, dass unsere Tochter sich damit eine schwierige Zukunft bereitet. Wir haben persönlich nichts gegen den neuen Partner, aber die enormen kulturellen Unterschiede machen uns Sorgen. Wie sollen wir uns verhalten? Wenn wir etwas Negatives sagen, erreichen wir genau das Gegenteil. Sie will nichts davon hören.
Interkulturelle Partnerschaften - elterliche Sorgen (pdf, 778Kb).
Scientific texts(german)
Breitschaft, Clemens M. (2006, 16 S.). Warum sind krankheitsfördernde Gewohnheiten so schwer zu verändern? - Sozialpsychologische Erklärungsansätze. Gedanken zur Veränderung von Gewohnheiten aus der Sicht der Gesundheitspsychologie und wissenschaftlich überprüfte verfügbare Ansätze. Leicht veränderte vierstündige Klausurarbeit der philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich. Psychologisches Institut, Abteilung Sozialpsychologie. Ref.: Prof. Dr. Heinz Gutscher.
Breitschaft, Clemens M. (2006, 49 S.). Theoretischer Hintergrund und Methoden paartherapeutischer Diagnostik und deren Interventionsverfahren - Perspektive eines integrativen Ansatzes. Ein Vergleich von Paar-Psychoanalyse, paartherapeutische Verhaltenstherapie und Systemische Paartherapie im Hinblick auf Watzlawicks Meta-Kommunikationsaxiom. Leicht veränderte dreitägige Klausurarbeit der philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich. Psychologisches Institut, Abteilung Klinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse. Referentin: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Boothe.
Breitschaft, Clemens M. (2005, 167 S.). Autonomie, Flow und Gelassenheit. Menschlicher Wandel in der Gegend der Mystik. Eine phänomenologische Einladung der Anthropologischen Psychopathologie in die Erfahrung der Offenheit. Unveröff. Lizenziatsarbeit der philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich. Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik, Institut für Psychopathologie. Referenten: Prof. Dr. Daniel Hell (Psychopathologie und Psychiatrie) und Prof. Dr. Georg Schmid (Religionswissenschaft).
Breitschaft, Clemens M. (2005, 33 S.). Flow und das Gute Leben. Unveröff. Seminararbeit der philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich. Philosophisches Seminar.
Breitschaft, Clemens M. (1999, 65 S.). Überlegungen zur Entstehung des psychoanalytischen Introjektbegriffs und Erweiterungsversuch aus systemischer Sicht nach Watzlawick. Unveröff. Studienarbeit der philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich. Psychologisches Institut, Abt. Klinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse.